all the way crying !!
gortt beaten up by my da jiejie *
fucking ass hole . . .
nabei cheebye #
today ish the 1 mth ofhhe mi nd ew !
cant get tuh celebrate widd ew =((
cry like hell norhs . . .
the celebration ofhhe our 1 mth jus pass like datt . . .
dear ; im sowwie datt ferhhe this period ofhhe tyme i did sho many thgs tuh make ew worriedd ! dear i dho loorfe eww llotas * i really cant affordd tuh lose ew - all the while ew have been by my syde supporting mi on doing anythg ! nd now 1 mth i cant get tuh celebrate this day widd ew ! dui bu qi !! ! !!wo ai si ni lerhx -
i try getting out butd i cant ash i quarrel nd get into a fight ! dhenn second sister call police # poilice told mi on fonne tuh tkkeas [ bao zhong ]
next saturday report tuh cantonment dhenn see whether gortt gho gerls hme . or i any tyme i will gho into gerls hme ! dear bery bery bery sowwie ! i dhunnw ann this tuh happen ! my whole body wass widd bruises . . . beaten up by my sister ! hais . . .
ifhhe realy i gho in i really hope ew will 4get boutt mi nd find a betta gerl nd hab a new start wid " her ?"
while typing i was crying !
dear i noe ew owass scold mi wen i dho sum thg wrong i noe ew wan mi change nortt meant tuh scold mii ! i really really understand !! evr since i noe ew i oready realisedd loorfing ew ish nortt sumthg i hsbb done wrong . . .nd this feeling will follo mi forvever ! i hab no regrets loorfing nd being wid ew * im bery happy being wid ew ! ew habe neber make mi felt sad cus ofhhe ew before . . .
iim going crazy lr dear . . .ifhhe any thg bad happen tuh mii ! really sowwie !!!!!
tkkeass ofhhe kennyKOR ' shamtengMAMA ' khengweePAPA ' hanweiKORKOR ' goldfish ' jianming ' meifeng ' sunplaza ppl datt noe mii ' sku ppl datt noe mii ' nd MOST IMPORTANT - YURSELFHHE !!! ew sick will be bery worse lerx . . . rest more * dhun owas run here run dere # ifhhe sick mus rest more drink more water slp more - slp mus cover blanket dhunn on aircon even wan on dhun on too big . ew shd knw yur hus de aircon bery cold de . . .lata flu huws ? ew will owass be in my hartt !! no body kan replacedd ew !
LAOGONG ; HAMSTER AI NI 1314 3344 184 !!!!
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