hais . sho many thingy happen !
huw i hope we kan be like last time .
just happily wifhh our own life .
nd dhunch nid tuh kare boutt whad other people whud say .
why kan we dho dhat inne dah past butd nurt now ?
ish im dah one whu change or euu ?
euu will still rmb tuh visit mui bl0ggie every time eu are free .
butd nuw . no more le . really no more le .
whad happen ? are euu still dah jieyong that i first knew .
or sumone else ? please .
dhunch dho all this tuh euurselfh .
makin euu euur own selfhh tuh be stress nd tired over small matters .
dah one i love ish dah jieyong dhat i first knew .
nurt nuw de jieyong .
sumeone dhat ish bery fierce nd sumeone whu dhunch kare bout huw people feels .
i knew dhat dah old jieyong will be back .
butd kann euu guys tell miie .
whad habbe make him tuh leave inne dah startin .
or ish im dah one whu change ?
i knew i habbe totally change ,
where ish last time de hamster .
a gerl dhat knew huw tuh think .
sumone dhat ishh willin tuh listen tuh everything he say.
where ish she ?
wen will last time de hamster nd jieyong cume back .
a perfect couple ash end up in this state . what habbe actually happen btwn them ?
does any body knoe whad dah both ofh them ish thinkin bout ?
hais . hais . hais .
although she hate butd she still love him llotass .